Training Safety Audit Accounting Jogja by admtrainakuntan - June 4, 2019November 28, 20190 Training Safety Audit Training Audit Keselamatan Training Pengenalan Audit Keselamatan Goal To provide participants with the basic working knowledge/skill to prepare, implementation and reporting safety audit thoroughly. Objective On Completion of this course the trainees will : * Understand the purpose and benefit of safety audit to improve company performance * Understand the concepts of safety audit * Be able to prepare safety audit, find fact/evidence, evaluating/analyzing data and develop audit written report. Course Outline Safety Audit * Legislation requirement the purpose and benefit of safety audit to improve company performance. * Definition of Management OSH Audit * The management role of audit; Accountability of Audit * Audit Preparation * The implementation of Audit * Fact/Evidence Finding & Analysis * Audit Reporting System * Discussion/ Case Study Who should Attend All staff and supervisory positions, manager, superintendent, safety officer, etc. Instructor HSE Proffesional Jadwal Pelatihan Trainingakuntansi 2023: Batch 1 : 14 – 16 Februari 2023 Batch 2 : 15 – 17 Mei 2023 Batch 3 : 14 – 16 Agustus 2023 Batch 4 : 7 – 9 November 2023 Catatan : Jadwal tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta Training Pengenalan Manajemen Audit Osh Pasti Jalan Invetasi dan Lokasi Pelatihan Pengenalan Audit Keselamatan Di Jogja : · Yogyakarta, Hotel 101 (6.500.000 IDR / participant) · Jakarta, Hotel Amaris Kemang (6.500.000 IDR / participant) · Bandung, Hotel Neo Dipatiukur (6.500.000 IDR / participant) · Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta(7.500.000 IDR / participant) · Surabaya, Hotel Amaris, Ibis Style (6.000.000 IDR / participant) · Lombok, Sentosa Resort (7.500.000 IDR / participant) Catatan : Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan. Fasilitas pelatihan Pengenalan manajemen audit OSH di jogja : FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara/Stasiun/Terminal) FREE Akomodasi ke tempat pelatihan bagi peserta training Pengenalan Audit Keselamatan jogja pasti running Module / Handout Training Audit Keselamatan Jogja Fixed Running FREE Flashdisk Sertifikat Training Safety Audit Di Jogja Murah FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training) Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc) 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner FREE Souvenir Exclusive Training room full AC and Multimedia . Technorati Tags: Training Safety Audit Di Jogja,Training Audit Keselamatan Di Jogja,Training Pengenalan Audit Keselamatan Di Jogja,Training Pengenalan Manajemen Audit Osh Di Jogja,Pelatihan Safety Audit Di Jogja Post Views: 176